Don’t Be Shaken By the Chaos
The world can be a chaotic place. We may have fears and concerns about what life has in store for us, but we don’t need to worry! Acts 20:22 reminds us that if we trust in God, He will provide for us. In this passage, we are reminded that the Holy Spirit testifies in every city, saying that chains and tribulations await us. But despite this, Paul reminds us that none of these things should move or shake us because our faith in God is stronger than anything else.
In fact, he goes even further and makes sure to emphasize his unwavering faith in God by declaring “nor do I count my life dear to myself”. This statement speaks volumes about Paul’s dedication and loyalty to his mission on Earth – spreading the gospel of the grace of God.
He knows that his faith will carry him through any challenge or tribulation he must face in order to fulfill his mission. We can use this passage as a reminder of why it’s so important to stay true to our faith no matter what comes our way. When faced with difficult times, it can be tempting to give up or become discouraged but Paul reminds us that if we trust in God and remain steadfast in our beliefs then we will be able to finish our race with joy and fulfill whatever mission God has set out for us.
God wants you to know that He is Jehovah Jireh – your provider! It doesn’t matter what kind of chaos you face or how difficult things may seem; if you trust Him and remain faithful then He will provide for you just as He did for Paul. So remember – don’t be shaken by the chaos; instead trust in Him who can always provide!
Acts 20:22 reminds us why it’s so important to remain faithful even when faced with daunting challenges and difficult times. If we trust Him and put our hope in Him then He will work wonders according to His plan and provide all the necessary resources we need along the way. So don’t let fear stop you from trusting Jehovah Jireh- your provider! Instead, take courage knowing that He will never fail you, no matter how chaotic things may seem at times! Trust Him above all else – He won’t lead you astray!